Introduction to Containerization with Docker

27 Jun 2023 08:15
Course starts
27 Jun 2023 12:00
Course ends
10 places
Available places

Course further information

Docker has become one of the most popular containerization tools letting you both deliver software together with its dependencies as well as securely isolate applications from the host operating system. But what do “containerization” and “isolate” mean exactly in this context and how do I use Docker?

In this workshop, we are going to answer these questions. We start with explaining how Docker containers work and where the lines are between the container and the host operating system. Then you are going to learn — in practical exercises — how to use Docker's command-line interface to get containers, run and manage them, and to create your own container images.

After this workshop you will be able take advantage of Docker in your own scientific work. You will be able to run applications in a Docker container on a workstation and on a cluster and also make your scientific workflows reproducible by creating and sharing your own Docker image.


In order to take part in this workshop, you should have basic knowledge of the Linux command line and should be able to navigate the file system.

Core areas
  • Docker terminology: container image, container, Dockerfile
  • Downloading container images
  • Running containers
  • Managing containers and container images
  • Creating container images
Maximum capacity
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, Linux pool 1 (room 3413)
Dr. Eckhard Kadasch
Course instructor
Dr. André Sternbeck
Course instructor