First Hands-on Experience on a HPC Cluster

13 Jun 2023 08:15
Course starts
13 Jun 2023 12:00
Course ends
No free places
Available places

Course further information

In this workshop, you will learn how to use high-performance computing (HPC) clusters for your scientific work.

While HPC clusters are composed of components similar to those found in PCs or workstations, they are used in a very different way. This is mainly owed to the fact that they consist of many computers networked together and that they are shared by multiple users.

We start this workshop with explaining you the inner structure of a typical HPC cluster and highlight the differences to a workstation. You will then learn how to use the SLURM Workload Manager, which is used on the university cluster “Draco” to distribute compute jobs across the hardware. You will learn how to use it to perform various types of batch jobs and interactive tasks. During the hands-on sessions, you will submit your first compute jobs to the cluster yourself and hopefully enjoy their results. Additionally, we will provide guidance on how to install and use your own parallel software.


  • FSU account (needs to be specified at the registration page)
  • no fear of linux and the command line
Maximum capacity
Cancellation type
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, Linux pool 1 (room 3413)
Dr. Eckhard Kadasch
Course instructor
Dr. André Sternbeck
Course instructor