Crash Course: Testing and Assessing

03.06.2025 09:00
Kurs startet
03.06.2025 17:00
Kurs endet


Date: 03.06.2025, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Description: Testing and Assessing are central tasks in teaching. In this workshop, we will focus on a wide range of questions around this issue. We will consider different examination forms such as final thesis, seminar paper, written examination (Klausur), laboratory practice, oral examination, or presentation.

The workshop will focus on the following questions:
  • What are the functions of examinations and what impact do grades have on teaching?
  • What content to test and how to align learning goals and examination?
  • How to construct proper exam questions?
  • How to assess fairly and objectively and how to prevent bias during assessment?
  • What are adequate assessment criteria and how to develop them?
  • How to deal with difficult situations around examinations?
In the workshop, there will also be room for an exchange of experiences and your individual questions.
Weitere Informationen
Information on how to the participation fee:
The invoice for your participation will be send to your private address shortly after the workshop.

Please consider our conditions of participation and cancellation:
Your signing up to this workshop is binding.
Since booked slots cause costs even when not made use of, cancellation of a space is only free of charge up until 7 days before the workshop.
Cancellation has to be sent via email and you will receive a confirmation email.
In case of cancellation after this date without valid reason (e.g. sick leave with medical certificate) or unexcused absence, you will be charged the full fee.
We reserve the right to cancel a workshop if the minimum number of participants is not reached.
Of course there will be no fee charged should this occur.
The following participation fees apply:
  • One-day workshop - Employees of FSU Jena: 25,00 €
  • One-day workshop - Employees of FSU Jena with a contract of not more than 50 percent, scholarship holders, lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter): 15,00 €
  • One-day workshop - Employees of EAH Jena: 50,00 €
  • One-day workshop - Members of other thuringian universities or research institutes: 100,00 €

If you have any questions, please contact:
Servicestelle LehreLernen
Tel: +49 (0) 3641 - 9 40 12 50
Bachstraße 18k - SR 102 (Seminarraum Servicestelle LehreLernen), Jena