Communicating Science – Lost for words in the real world?

24 May 2019 09:00
Course starts
24 May 2019 17:00
Course ends
10.00 EUR

Course further information

Working in academia means submitting to a very distinct set of rules and rituals – the more we internalize them, the harder it often gets to release them and turn the switch.
You’ve observed this for yourselves while coworkers defended their thesis (going on for minutes while losing most of the audience); while friends (with a pounding chest) tried to convey their points to their industry-employed colleagues before the meeting was up; and in (literally) tens of thousands of practically unread scientific literature produced by your predecessors.
Just like literature research and writing protocols, these skills have to be practiced – and we’ll do just that here: training and improving your communication skills for the real world beyond academia.

After the training, you will
  • have developed your measure of linguistic intelligibility;
  • precisely identify yours and other people’s weaknesses in external communication;
  • have received and trained 3 comprehensive approaches to your weak points.

Language Workshop: english
ECTS 0.5
Further information

Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für:

  • Zertifikatsprogramm "Führung in der Wissenschaft"
  • Zertifikatsprogramm "Führung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft"
  • Zertifikatsprogramm "Wissenschaftsmanagement"

FAQ zum GA-Qualifizierungsprogramm

Graduierten-Akademie der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
Angela Köhler-Saß

Johannisstraße 13, 07743 Jena
Tel.: 03641 9-30409
Self-enrolment period begins
25-Feb-2019 09:00
Self-enrolment period ends
24-May-2019 17:00
Maximum capacity
Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena
Dr. Kiara Aiello
Course instructor
Markus Voss
Course instructor