Research Ethics: Moral decision-making in Science (ONLINE)

21 Oct 2020 13:00
Course starts
22 Oct 2020 17:00
Course ends
10.00 EUR

Course further information

The question of right or wrong lies at the very heart of science, and this relates to study design, the method of analyzing or inclusion of data up to the point of the application of scientific findings. This course will explore philosophical concepts of ethics in science and relate them to real life current debates including those on genetic modification, studies involving animal or human subjects and how science is included or excluded from policy decisions. Ethical aspects ranging from good practice in conducting scientific research to its societal impact will be addressed in a variety of formats, including lectures, text analysis and group debates. The aim is to provide participants with a knowledge base from which to address ethical considerations that emerge from or arise in the course of conducting their research.

Participants should be aware that they may be given a small amount of reading material that should be studied prior to the session.
ECTS 0.5
Further information
Graduate Academy
Angela Köhler-Saß

Johannisstraße 13, 07743 Jena
phone.: 03641 9-30409
Self-enrolment period begins
24-Aug-2020 09:00
Self-enrolment period ends
12-Oct-2020 10:00
Maximum capacity
Online course
Dr. Hendrik Huthoff
Course instructor