Science Communication on Social Media for Beginners (ONLINE)

12 Jul 2022 09:00
Course starts
13 Jul 2022 12:00
Course ends
No free places
Available places
10.00 EUR

Course further information

The year 2020 has shown us how important it can be for scientists and other academics to be able to communicate to people outside academia or in other fields. But translating from the academic world to the non-academic world or from field to field can be a challenge. Luckily, social media platforms like Twitter offer a place where everybody can reach everybody else. Thus, social media can be a great place to start and to reach the desired audience, facilitating a societal dialogue and a form of informal education that is direly needed nowadays.

To help out academics wanting to start in science communication, this workshop seeks to give you some basics about how to put yourself in your audience’s shoes; get to know the medium and its tools; network with other fellow academic communicators; and find the best content to keep your audience interested. The focus of this workshop will be on Twitter, with tips and an overview of your possibilities on other platforms.
ECTS 0.5
Further information
Graduate Academy
Angela Köhler-Saß
Johannisstr. 13
07743 Jena

phone: 03641 9 40 13 16
Can be cancelled without extra charge until
28-Jun-2022 09:00
Self-enrolment period begins
18-May-2022 09:00
Self-enrolment period ends
12-Jul-2022 09:00
Maximum capacity
Online course
Dr. Maia George
Course instructor