Coaching and Peer Support for International Postdocs

26.10.2020 13:00
Kurs startet
08.02.2021 15:00
Kurs endet
20,00 EUR


If you have recently arrived in your first postdoc position at a German university, Graduate Academy offers you a special group coaching and peer support system to help you get accustomed to both German academia in general, and to your everyday life at Friedrich Schiller University, specifically.
In a series of coachings, we will meet in a small, interdisciplinary group to address various topics and questions around the challenges and specifics of your everyday encounters as a postdoc team member, group leader, university staff member, or teacher. The choice of topics and questions addressed throughout the coachings will be decided in the first session, dependent on your needs and proposals both as a group and as individuals. The sessions will be accompanied by a trainer and include inputs as well as a guided exchange of your personal experiences.
Topics to address during the coaching sessions may be:
The Who is Who of Jena University: processes, institutional structure and whereabouts
The German academic system: hierarchies, career paths, questions of institutional and personal power dynamics
Features and endowments of your postdoc position
Funding within the German academic system
Networking and career planning
Teaching at Jena University
Business travelling – how to
Communication within / outside the job environment
Everyday life in Germany and in Jena – cultural specifics and FAQs

If you have any questions regarding this offer or your participation in the coaching, please don’t hesitate to contact

Dates 26.10.2020, 30.11.2020, 07.12.2020, 25.01.2021, 08.02.2021

ECTC 0.5
Weitere Informationen
Graduate Academy
Angela Köhler-Saß

Johannisstraße 13, 07743 Jena
phone.: 03641 9-401316
Selbstbuchung möglich ab
24.08.2020 09:00
Selbstbuchung möglich bis
31.12.2020 13:00
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena
Anne Dünger