Abstract writing for funding proposals: Get to the point!

03.09.2025 09:00
Kurs startet
03.09.2025 11:00
Kurs endet
3 Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze


A well-written abstract will put you way ahead of the competition in grant review processes: administrative staff can process your application quickly and review boards get a perfect first impression of your project's essence and character. Since every funding organisation has different priorities, it is a waste of potential to write the abstract in the same way for every proposal. In this course, you learn rhethoric strategies how to start and structure an abstract that matches best to your targeted funding format. You will also learn keywords that  match to specifically various funding bodies. At the end of the course, you will apply what you have learnt in a writing exercise.
This course is designed for all postdocs, junior-professors and professors who want to improve their skills in writing abstracts for third-party funding applications.
Dr. Benjamin Robert Sippel
01 wissenschaftliche/r Beschäftigte/r
Weitere Informationen

The course takes place online via the platform "Zoom". You will need a computer with an internet connection, speakers, camera and microphone. You can access your Zoom account with your URZ login via the homepage: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us. It is recommended to use the Zoom desktop client. We will inform you of the access data in good time.
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • The crucial role of abstracts in the review process
  • Rhethoric strategies how to start and structure an abstract
  • Keywords matching to specific funding body requirements
  • Writing Exercise
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende