Introduction to Network Analysis with R
Course further information
Network Analysis is a powerful method to study and visualise the relationships between interconnected entities. In various fields such as social sciences, biology, transportation and computer science, Network Analysis provides valuable insights into the structure, the behaviour and dynamics of complex systems. In this course we use R to digitally represent, analyse and visualise networks. R is a flexible and widely used programming language for statistical calculations and data analysis, which offers a variety of packages and tolls for Network Analysis.
Basic prior knowledge of (statistical) programming with R is an advantage for this course.
During the course you will type along, following the instructors, preferably on your own machine. For this you need a working installation of R as well as RStudio. Downloads and installation instructions for various operating systems can be found here. If necessary, you can use computers provided at the workshop location, where all needed software is already installed, however working in your usual environment is preferred.