Research data management in the humanities and social sciences

3 Feb 2025 09:00
Course starts
6 Feb 2025 13:00
Course ends
19 places
Available places

Course further information

The humanities and social sciences are increasingly working with digital data, for example questionnaires, video/audio recordings, transcripts, annotations and photographs, which means that the correct handling of this research data is becoming more and more important.
After months of collecting, analysing and interpreting the data, you now want to publish your findings in a scientific journal? Then it's time to take another look at your data and think about how it can be processed. Or are you in the starting blocks of your doctoral thesis or postdoc project and want to make sure that you haven't overlooked anything while conducting and documenting your research?
According to the DFG guidelines for good scientific practice, your results should be comprehensible and reproducible. Have you ever heard of FAIR data? In relation to your data, this means that it should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Are you aware that publishing your data in a dedicated data journal or repository can not only help you fulfil these requirements, but can also help you gain additional publications and citations?
Publishing and long-term archiving of your data are just two aspects of research data management. This workshop is designed to help you identify your data management needs, no matter what stage of the project you are at. It is also designed to give you practical guidance on how to organise, structure, describe and publish your data to meet the requirements of good scientific practice.
Course topics:
  • Definition of research data management and the research data lifecycle
  • Data management plans
  • Documentation, data organisation, metadata
  • Storage and back-up
  • Archiving
  • Publication and subsequent use of research data
  • Legal aspects

The course will take place on 03 and 06 February. We will provide self-study material before the two sessions. Participants are expected to look at the material beforehand and complete the tasks set. During the course there will be exercises, group work, discussions and presentations.
Core areas
  • Definition of research data management and the research data lifecycle
  • Data management plans
  • Documentation, data organisation, metadata
  • Storage and back-up
  • Archiving
  • Publication and subsequent use of research data
  • Legal aspects
Maximum capacity
Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena
Roman Gerlach
Course instructor
Dr. Jeanin Jügler
Course instructor