Research Data Management Plans - more than a formality!

10.04.2025 09:00
Kurs startet
10.04.2025 12:00
Kurs endet
Keine freien Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze
Auf Warteliste Buchen
Für diesen Termin ist eine Wartelistenbuchung möglich.


Research Data Management (FDM) comprises all activities in the handling of research data from generation, documentation and storage to publication and archiving. In order to take into account the multitude of aspects in FDM, a data management plan (DMP) should be drawn up before the project starts. This plan should document the handling of the data generated in the research project and specify the resources required. Appropriate research data management and the creation of a DMP is a prerequisite for more and more funding organizations when applying for projects and is therefore an important part of project planning. In addition, good planning also helps to take costs into account from the outset when applying for funding, to ensure support from appropriate partners and to establish the necessary infrastructure to ensure effective and secure handling of research data during the project.  
The workshop will give an overview of the requirements of the different funding organizations regarding FDM and the creation of DMPs. In addition, the structure and content of the DMPs as well as useful support options in the form of consulting services and tools will be presented. In addition, participants get the opportunity to practice drafting texts for DMPs during exercise sessions.
Dr. Benjamin Robert Sippel
01 wissenschaftliche/r Beschäftigte/r
Weitere Informationen
The course takes place online via the platform "Zoom". You will need a computer with an internet connection, speakers, camera and microphone. You can access your Zoom account with your URZ login via the homepage:
It is recommended to use the Zoom desktop client. We will inform you of the access data in good time.
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • Requirements of different funding institutions
  • Structure and content of a Data Management Plan
  • Useful tools and services
  • Exercises to draft DMPs

Roman Gerlach | Kontaktstelle Forschungsdatenmanagement; Dr. Cora Assmann | Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Forschungsdatenmanagement
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende