Recognizing and Understanding Conflicts

23.10.2023 09:00
Kurs startet
24.10.2023 17:00
Kurs endet
1 Platz
Verfügbare Plätze
30,00 EUR


The workshop is about conflicts in the scientific/professional environment in one-to-one situations as well as in teams. The workshop can only be a beginning to deal with this important part of our life. Types of conflicts will be introduced and causes, developments and effects of conflicts will be discussed. The focus will be on strengthening your personal competence to analyze and understand conflicts as well as your own conflict behavior.

If possible, your own case studies from your everyday university life will be used to jointly produce analyses and possible conflict resolution approaches and methods will be discussed and deepened. The seminar includes various inputs but it is not a lecture, it requires your interactive participation.
Patent solutions are not to be expected, but an improvement of your own handling of conflicts, possible solutions as well as insights into the limits of the whole: love it, change it or leave it.
Selbstbuchung möglich ab
24.08.2023 09:00
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
1.0 ECTS-Credits
Weitere Informationen
This course is creditable for certificate programmes:
  • Leadership in Academia – Area "Communication, Leadership and Management"
  • Leadership in Industry and Society – Area "Communication, Leadership and Management"
  • Science Management – Area "Communication, Leadership and Management"
  • Start-up Management – Area "Communication, Leadership and Management"

Further information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on Graduate Academy's homepage.
Graduate Academy, Angela Köhler-Saß, Phone +49 3641 9 401316, email
Kostenfrei stornierbar bis
09.10.2023 09:00
Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena
Lothar Kleist