Strategic networking as an access to the hidden job market

8 Nov 2022 09:00
Course starts
8 Nov 2022 12:00
Course ends
No free places
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Course further information

After completion of studies or doctorate, many are faced with the challenge of embarking on a new career path outside academia. What are my options and how do I find suitable positions? More than two thirds of all jobs in Germany are awarded without job advertisement. Contacts and networks are often decisive. Some contacts you already have, others you can make. Through these contacts, you can at the same time get first-hand information about professional fields, concrete work tasks and company cultures. This helps you decide which path you want to take and how to reach your goals.

- recognizing, using and strategically expanding existing networks
- authentic self-presentation
- establishing and maintaining contacts
- the role of online networks (Xing, LinkedIn etc.) and professional networkers (recruiters,
employment agencies, headhunters)
- next steps: Who should I approach tomorrow?
Maximum capacity
GA Career Days
Online course
Caroline Ketting
Course instructor
Caroline Ketting is a trainer and coach (Ketting Coaching). In her trainings she uses her many years of intercultural experience as a recruiter, career consultant and manager for profit and non-profit companies in the Netherlands and Germany.