Collaborative Version Control with Git: An Advanced Workshop

16.04.2024 09:00
Kurs startet
16.04.2024 13:00
Kurs endet
8 Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze


In this course we teach about Git’s collaborative features, building on basic knowledge of how to use it.

If you work on documents or code together with multiple people, it can quickly get quite complex to keep track of everyone‘s changes. Maybe you e-mail different versions back and forth and start to loose track of the individual contributions. Or you use a shared folder on Nextcloud or Dropbox, but run the risk of overwriting other peoples changes when working on the same file simultaneously. This is where Git can help you.

Git is not only a great tool for versioning your own projects, it also provides you useful features for collaborating. Git helps you to keep track of everyone‘s changes and to integrate them into one repository — be it code, documents, or even data. And Git scales form one, to two, to many people, including whole companies with thousands of developers.

In this workshop, you will learn how to organize your work in branches, merge them together, share your work with others using remote repositories, and resolve any conflicts that may arise.


If you want to join this workshop, you should have a basic familiarity with Git on the command line. That is, you should know how to create repositories, how stage and commit changes, and how to look at the version history as well as the state of a Git repository.

We teach these Git basics in our course Basic Version Control with Git: A Beginner's Workshop once a semester (see our course catalog).

During the course you will type along, following the instructors, preferably on your own machine. For this you need a working installation of Git (version 2.23 or above). Downloads and installation instructions for various operating systems can be found here: If necessary, you can use computers provided at the workshop location, where all needed software is already installed, however working in your usual environment is preferred.

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • working with branches (git branch)
  • clone a repository (git clone)
  • working with a remote repository (git pull, git push)
  • resolve version conflicts (git merge)
  • inspect who changed what (git blame)
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, Linuxpool 1 (Raum 3413)