Introducing R as a flexible tool for data analysis

31.05.2024 09:00
Kurs startet
07.06.2024 17:00
Kurs endet
Keine freien Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze
20,00 EUR


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. In contrast to other popular statistical software, R is a flexible programming language which allows users to add functionality by defining new functions. Due to its open source nature, it can be extended by user generated packages. Many of those include recent developments from different disciplines and are available from the internet. Additionally, R can be used to generate high-quality graphics.
This introduction into R includes:
  • General introduction into the environment.
  • Basics of R syntax and objects.
  • Data handling in R.
  • Basic programming in R.
  • Graphics in R.
This workshop addresses researchers interested in R without or with few previous experiences in R. This workshop includes hands- on exercises and a homework assignment.

Workshop dates: May 31 and June 7, 2024, 9:oo a.m. - 5:oo p.m.
Selbstbuchung möglich ab
20.02.2024 09:00
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
1.0 ECTS-Credits
Weitere Informationen
This course is creditable for certificate programmes:
  • Science Management – Optional Area

Further information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on Graduate Academy's homepage.
Graduate Academy, Angela Köhler-Saß, Phone +49 3641 9 401316, email
Graduierten Akademie
Kostenfrei stornierbar bis
17.05.2024 09:00
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8 - MMZ, SR 217, Jena
Jan Plötner