Advanced Use of the Command Line Bash

09.04.2024 09:00
Kurs startet
09.04.2024 13:00
Kurs endet
8 Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze


In this course, we will use the Bash command line and related utilities to solve complex file management and processing tasks.

A command line is a fundamental, interactive interface to a computer's operating system. Bash is a very widely used command line interface and is available for most operating systems. Together with a collection of auxiliary programs (including the GNU Core Utilities), it can be used to conveniently process many tasks. Bash shows its strength particularly in the automation of recurring tasks and the processing of a large number of files.

Using examples, we will work through typical problems and show how processing steps can be combined to create complex workflows.


For this course, you should already have basic knowledge of Bash. You can acquire this in our course "Introduction to the Command Line", which we offer regularly. The basis for this course is the material from the Software Carpentry course The Unix Shell.

During the course you will type along, following the instructors, preferably on your own machine. For this you need a working installation of Bash. Bash should already be installed on all machines with Linux and macOS as operating system. To get Bash on Windows, you can install Git (, which contains GitBash. If you already installed the Windows Subsystem for Linux (, you also already have Bash installed. Alternatively, you can use computers provided at the workshop location, where all needed software is already installed. However, we strongly prefer you using your own machine and with that your usual environment.

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • search and replace character patterns
  • management of processes
  • variables and functions
  • subshells and binding environments
  • expansion and command substitution
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, Linuxpool 1 (Raum 3413)