HPC Cluster Usage for Advanced Users

07.05.2024 09:00
Kurs startet
07.05.2024 13:00
Kurs endet
6 Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze


This workshop continues our First Hands-on Experience on a HPC Cluster and conveys the use of the cluster for parallelized applications.

We will start with a short introduction to the basics of parallel computing and then learn to analyze scaling behavior and performance bottlenecks based on existing applications. The aim will be to optimize job scripts for yout own parallel applications.

For the practical parts, we will use the university cluster “Draco”. If you do not yet have access to the cluster, please apply for it via our Service-Desk. Please provide your alphanumeric university login.

This workshop is held in person, online particiaption is not possible. The course is taught in English.


  • Basic knowledge of Linux, the command line (e.g. Bash) and SSH
  • Experience in at least one high-level programming language such as Python or Fortran
  • Initial experience with a workload manager such as Slurm
  • User account of the University of Jena, which must be specified on the registration page
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • Parallel computer architectures and programming models
  • Parallel scaling behavior and performance bottlenecks
  • Optimization of Slurm job scripts
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, Linuxpool 1 (Raum 3413)