Research Data Management – Make your data count!

21.10.2024 09:00
Kurs startet
24.10.2024 13:00
Kurs endet
13 Plätze
Verfügbare Plätze
10,00 EUR


You spent months on collecting samples and measurements in the field or in the lab? You explored, analysed and interpreted this data and finally published your findings in a scientific journal? Well, then it is time to think about your data again and what to do with it now. Or are you just starting your PhD or your postdoc project and want to make sure not to miss anything when it comes to obtaining and documenting your measurements?

According to the guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice your results should be replicable and repeatable. Nowadays, funding organisations, research institutions and publishers request research data to meet the FAIR guiding principles, which means your data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable. To ensure this, your data should be well documented, securely stored and prepared for later reuse. Publishing your research data through a dedicated data journal or repository may help you on this and may also get you an additional publication and further citations.

Data publishing and long-term preservation are just two aspects of research data management. This workshop shall help you in determining your data management requirements, no matter at which stage of the project you are. In addition, the course provides you with practical guidance on how to organize, structure, describe and publish your data in order to comply with good scientific practice.

Topics of the course:
  •     Basic concepts in research data management
  •     Documentation, data organisation, metadata
  •     Storage and back-up
  •     Archiving
  •     Publication and re-use of research data
  •     Legal aspects
  •     Data management planning

The course will take place on two separate days with a self-study day inbetween. All material will be provided prior to the two live sessions and we expect participants to study the material beforehand. During the live sessions there will be exercises, group work, discussions and some presentations.

Please note: This workshop is geared towards the Natural, Life, and Environmental Sciences. If you are from the Humanities or Social Sciences we offer a dedicated workshop once a year.

workshopdates: 21. AND 24.10.2024 9-13 h
Selbstbuchung möglich ab
27.08.2024 09:00
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
Max. Anzahl Teilnehmende
0.5 ECTS-Credits
Weitere Informationen
This course is creditable for certificate programmes:
  • Science Management – Optional Area
  • Start-up Management – Optional Area

Further information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on Graduate Academy's homepage.
Graduate Academy, Angela Köhler-Saß, Phone +49 3641 9 401316, email
Graduierten Akademie
Kostenfrei stornierbar bis
07.10.2024 09:00
Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena