Academic Writing Skills (ONLINE)

11 Jun 2021 10:00
Course starts
11 Jun 2021 16:00
Course ends
20.00 EUR

Course further information

This Academic Writing course is a one-day digital workshop conveyed through online conferences via zoom, and alternating phases of written exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to send in extracts from their papers or doctoral thesis in advance or as a follow-up.

The lingua franca of science today is English, and thus the advancement of an academic career often involves submitting papers in English. This workshop is aimed at up-and-coming academics who are in the process of writing their doctoral thesis or intend to hand in papers for conferences and publication.
Putting ideas on paper in English may seem relatively straight forward, but success is not solely a matter of good translation skills. There are profound stylistic differences when presenting ideas in English, particularly in written form. Some Germans even find that reading papers in English is often easier than those in their native tongue despite the language obstacle. It is certainly not a case of clarity at the expense of content. There is also the issue of the choice of words beyond immediate terminology  In order to expound the importance of cultural style, we shall be studying texts from the academic world and elsewhere.

ECTS 0.5
Further information
Graduate Academy
Angela Köhler-Saß
Johannisstr. 13
07743 Jena

phone: 03641 9 40 13 16
Can be cancelled without extra charge until
28-May-2021 10:00
Self-enrolment period begins
22-Feb-2021 09:00
Self-enrolment period ends
10-Jun-2021 10:00
Maximum capacity
Online course
Dr. Sonja Price
Course instructor