LinkedIn for Professional Networking

8 Nov 2021 09:00
Course starts
8 Nov 2021 12:00
Course ends
No free places
Available places

Course further information

Networking in general should be a central part of transitioning from university into industry. Social Media channels like LinkedIn should be one of the tools in your networking toolbox. But for many people, it seems unclear how to add to offline networking with online networking.

In this workshop, we will explore and discuss what’s realistic when it comes to networking on LinkedIn. We will go through what’s possible, also dependent on your comfort levels. We will learn about targeted networking, the netiquette and how to use posts as a networking tool. In short, LinkedIn can be a powerful tool during this transition if you know how to use it.

The target audience of this workshop is people who are not uncomfortable with networking but have not yet learned to use social media for networking.
Online course
Maia George

Maia George (Wissenschaftscoach) offers workshops and coaching on scholarship applications, healthy self-organisation, social media in higher education and ethical interaction between young researchers.