What qualities do I have and how do I sell them?

10 Nov 2021 09:00
Course starts
10 Nov 2021 12:00
Course ends
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Course further information

The registration period ended on 11.10.21. Registration for this short workshop is no longer possible.

What qualities do I have and how do I sell them? The transfer of academic soft skills for non-academic career paths 

After completing their studies or doctorate, many are faced with the challenge of embarking on a new career outside academia or in science management. In contrast to the scientific job market, however, they cannot score points with their specialist expertise alone, and the job market even seems to have little interest in some specialist areas. The good news is: PhDs often have more to offer than they themselves realize. Essential are the broader competences and so-called "soft skills" that develop through research, teaching and other roles as a scientist.

What do you have to offer and how can you credibly present your qualities in the resume and at the interview? In this impulse talk, you will receive practical information on how you can use the soft skills and knowledge you have acquired in academia for the non-academic job market. Primarily focused on the German job market. It will address the questions:

  • Do you know your qualities?
  • How to present these competencies in a resume / CV / „Lebenslauf“?
  • What experience can you cite in the interview as an example of acquiring these soft skills?
Online course

Caroline Ketting

Caroline Ketting is a trainer and coach (Ketting Coaching). In her trainings she uses her many years of intercultural experience as a recruiter, career consultant and manager for profit and non-profit companies in the Netherlands and Germany.