Don't Let It Drive You Nuts! Resilience and Self-Management for Researchers (ONLINE)

20 Jun 2022 09:00
Course starts
21 Jun 2022 17:00
Course ends
No free places
Available places
20.00 EUR

Course further information

As young researcher you enter into a time of great change. You have to meet new professional demands (regarding your field, employment, economic, future concerns); play numerous roles (supervisor’s assistant, autonomous researcher, self-promoter, academic author); and know your personal qualities (disposition, work speed, goals). Oh, wait, there’s also a thesis to write and a private life to take care of!
Don’t let this drive you nuts! There is a tool for self-management that allows you to master your life in academia and makes you bounce back when there are setbacks and crises: resilience. This two-day programme activates and develops your resilience skills in interactive units of analysis, self-reflection, communication and pragmatic counsel. My goal is to familiarise you with ready-to-use methods which strengthen your long-term productivity and your mental health and which help you maintain a balance between work and life.
Target group: Young researchers either in the early stages of their PhD thesis or postdocs planning the next stages of their career.

ECTS 1.0
Further information

Certificate programme “Leadership in Academia”
Certificate programme “Leadership in Industry and Society”
Certificate programme “Science Management”

FAQ concerning the participation in GA's qualification programme

Graduate Academy
Angela Köhler-Saß
Johannisstr. 13
07743 Jena

phone: 03641 9 40 13 16
Self-enrolment period begins
24-Feb-2022 09:00
Self-enrolment period ends
15-Jun-2022 09:00
Maximum capacity
Online course
Dr. Maik Goth
Course instructor