Basic Version Control with Git: A Beginner's Workshop

22 Nov 2022 08:00
Course starts
22 Nov 2022 12:00
Course ends
4 places
Available places

Course further information

This is the first part of our Git workshop series.

If you have ever written a paper, worked with research data or programmed your own scripts, some of the following problems may sound familiar to you: You have accidentally overwritten something and would like to get it back from an earlier version of your file(s). You find yourself looking through a bunch of older versions wondering what exactly has changed between your current version and the older ones.

Git helps you avoid these sources of frustration. As a version control system, Git lets you easily save changes in your files to a history and thus helps documenting your work. Using that history, you can see what you changed and when you did it. You can always go back and revert your project to an earlier stage, should you have accidentally deleted text or broke some functionality in your code. Git even lets you work together with others on the same project or even on the same file at the same time.

In this workshop, we introduce you to the fundamental features of Git. You will learn how to use Git in your daily work to keep track of changes in your documents or code. Git has been originally designed for software development, but has quickly found users beyond the software community. So if you consider yourself a non-technical person, this workshop is still for you. The Git basics are easy to learn and easy to apply.


For this workshop you need a working installation of Git (version 2.23 or above). Downloads and installation instructions for various operating systems can be found here:


This course is part of the Certificate Course "Tools for Digital Research". In order to receive the Library Carpentry Certificate you also have to attend the other two courses.
Core areas
  • introduction to version control
  • install and config Git (git config)
  • create a repository (git init)
  • basic Git workflow: change - stage - commit (git add, git commit)
  • inspect status (git status)
  • explore the version history (git history)
  • compare versions (git diff)
  • revert changes (git restore, git reset)
  • use a graphical user interfaces (git gui, GitLab)
Maximum capacity
Cancellation type
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, Linux pool 1 (room 3413)
Dr. Christian Knüpfer
Course instructor
Dr. Philipp Schäfer
Course instructor